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Keresési eredmények / results

Soproni Szemle
1937-1944 és 1955-2004 évfolyamok

Pezalli, Giacomo / Brock, Sebastian P. -- Taylor, David G. K., eds.
The Hidden Pearl: The Syrian Orthodox Church and Its Ancient Aramaic Heritage
I: The Heritage of a People

Pezzali, Giacomo / Brock, Sebastian P. -- Taylor, David G. K., eds.
The Hidden Pearl: The Syrian Orthodox Church and Its Ancient Aramaic Heritage
II: Traditions and Customs

Pezzali, Giacomo / Brock, Sebastian P. -- Taylor, David G. K., eds.
The Hidden Pearl: The Syrian Orthodox Church and Its Ancient Aramaic Heritage
III: The Diaspora and India

Zendehdel, Hassan
Iran: Land of History
Persia Older Than History