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Keresési eredmények / results
Amsterdam Tourist Office / Jewish Historical Museum
Jewish Amsterdam
A walk through the former Jewish Quarter
Bernfeld, Tirtsah Levie
Poverty and Welfare among the Portuguese Jews in Early Modern Amsterdam
The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization
Blom, J. H. C. -- Fuks-Mansfeld, R. G. -- Schöffer, I., Eds.
The History of the Jews in the Netherlands
The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization
Bodian, Miriam
Hebrews of the Portuguese Nation
Conversos and Community in Early Modern Amsterdam
The Modern Jewish Experience
Cluse, Christoph
Studien zur Geschichte der Juden in den mittelalterlichen Niederlanden
Forschungen zur Geschichte der Juden, Abt. A, Abhandlungen, 10
Dorman, Menachem
Menasseh Ben-Israel
Heilal Hayyim Library
Fuks, Leo / Fuks-Mansfeld, Renate G., ed.
Aspects of Jewish Life in the Netherlands
A Selection from the Writings of Leo Fuks
Michman, Jozeph
Dutch Jewry during the Emancipation Period 1787-1815
Gothic Turrets on a Corinthian Building
Roth, Cecil
A Life of Menasseh ben Israel
Rabbi, printer, and diplomat