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Keresési eredmények / results

Beer, Moshe
Amoraé Bavel / The Babylonian Amoraim
Aspects of Economic Life

Bodek, Arnold
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus als Zeitgenosse und Freund des Rabbi Jehuda ha-Nasi
Ein Beitrag zur Culturgeschichte
Römische kaiser in jüdischen Quellen, 1

Gil, Moshe
Jews in Islamic Countries in the Middle Ages
Études sur le judaisme médiéval, 28

Kalmin, Richard
Jewish Babylonia between Persia and Roman Palestine

Neusner, Jacob
A History of the Jews in Babylonia
I: The Parthian Period
Brown Judaic Studies, 62

Neusner, Jacob
A History of the Jews in Babylonia
II: The Early Sasanian Period
Studia Post-Biblica, 11

Neusner, Jacob
A History of the Jews in Babylonia
I: The Parthian Period
Studia Post-Biblica, 9

Neusner, Jacob
A History of the Jews in Babylonia
IV: The Age of Shapur II
Studia Post-Biblica, 14

Neusner, Jacob
A History of the Jews in Babylonia
V: Later Sasanian Times
Studia Post-Biblica, 15

Neusner, Jacob
A History of the Jews of Babylonia
III: From Shapur I to Shapur II
Studia Post-Biblica, 12

Neusner, Jacob
Israel and Iran in Talmudic Times
A Political History
Studies in Judaism

Neusner, Jacob
Judaism, Christianity and Zoroastrianism in Talmudic Babylonia
Brown Judaic Studies, 204

Neusner, Jacob
School, Court, Public Administration
Judaism and its Institutions in Talmudic Babylonia
Brown Judaic Studies, 83

Neusner, Jacob
There We Sat Down
Talmudic Judaism in the Making

Newman, J.
The Agricultural Life of the Jews in Babylonia
Between the Years 200 C.E. and 500 C.E.

Obermeyer, Jacob
Die Landschaft Babylonien
im Zeitalter des Talmuds und des Gaonats
Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaft des Judentums, 30

Oppenheimer, Aharon / Isaac, Benjamin -- Lecker, Michael, collabs.
Babylonia Judaica in the Talmudic Period
Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients. Reihe B, 47

Segal, J. B. [Segal, Jehuda B.] / Grintz, J. M. -- Liver, J., eds. / Fs. Segal, M. H.
Studies in the Bible
The Jews of North Mesopotamia before the Rise of the Islam
Publications of the Israel Society for Biblical Research, 17

Seters, John Van
A Law Book for the Diaspora
Revision in the Study of the Covenant Code