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Keresési eredmények / results

Applebaum, Shim'on
Jews and Greeks in Ancient Cyrene
Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity, 28

Cohen, Shaye J.D., Ed.
The Jewish Family in Antiquity
Brown Judaic Studies, 289

Dan, Yaron
Hajjé ha-ir be-erec Jiszrael / The City in Eretz-Israel
During The Late Roman & Byzantine Periods
Library for the History of the Yishuv in Eretz-Israel

Fritsch, Charles T., Ed. / Downey, Glanville -- Foerster, Gideon -- Hazard, Harry W. -- Levey, Irving M.
The Joint Expedition to Caesarea Maritima
I: Studies in the History of Caesarea Maritima
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Supplemental Studies, 19

Fuks, Gideon
Scythopolis - a Greek City in Eretz-Israel

Goodman, Martin
Rome and Jerusalem
The Clash of Ancient Civilizations

Jacobs, Martin
Die Institution des jüdischen Patriarchen
Eine quellen- und traditionkritische Studie zur Geschichte der Juden in der Spätantike
Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum, 52

Lapin, Hayim, ed.
Religious and Ethnic Communities in Later Roman Palestine
Studies and Texts in Jewish History and Culture, 5

Leipoldt, Johannes
Der römische Kaiser Julian in der Religiongeschichte
Sitzungsberichte der SAW zu Leipzig, Phil.-hist. Kl., 110, I

Levine, I. Lee / Temporini, H. -- Haase, W., Hrsg.
Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt, Teil II. 19,2
The Jewish Patriarch (Nasi) in Third Century Palestine

Lieberman, Saul
Greek in Jewish Palestine
Studies in the Life and Manners of Jewish Palestine in the II-IV centuries C.E.

Lieberman, Saul
Selections from Greek and Jewish Palestine and Hellenism and Jewish Palestine
Essays in Judaism, 2

Lieberman, Saul / Marx, Alexander, Pref.
Hellenism in Jewish Palestine
Studies in the literary transmission reliefs and manners of Palestine in the I century B.C.E. - IV century C.E.

Lieu, Judith -- North, John -- Rajak, Tessa, Eds.
The Jews Among Pagans and Christians
In the Roman Empire

Neusner, Jacob
First-Century Judaism in Crisis
Yohanan ben Zakkai and the Renaissance of Torah

Noethlichs, Karl Leo
Das Judentum und der römische Staat
Minderheitenpolitik im antiken Rom

Safrai, Ze'ev
The Economy of the Roman Palestine

Schäfer, Peter
Der Bar Kokhba-Aufstand
Studien zum zweiten jüdischen Krieg gegen Rom
Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum, 1

Schäfer, Peter, ed. / Goodman, Martin -- Tsafrir, Yoram -- Isaac, Benjamin -- Oppenheimer, Aharon -- Abusch, Ra'anan -- Eshel, Hanan -- Mor, Menachem -- Cotton, Hannah M. -- Eck, Werner -- Bowersock, Glen W. -- Kloner, Amos -- Zissu, Boaz -- Sharar, Yuval
The Bar Kokhba War Reconsidered
New Perspectives on the Second Jewish Revolt Against Rome
Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism, 100 / Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum, 100

Schwartz, Seth
Imperialism and Jewish Society, 200 B.C.E to 640 C.E.
Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the Ancient to the Modern World

Segal, Arthur
From Function to Monument
Urban Landscapes of Roman Palestine, Syria and Provincia Arabia
Oxbow Monograph, 66

Smallwood, E. Mary
The Jews under Roman Rule
From Pompey to Diocletian

Sperber, Daniel
Roman Palestine 200-400: The Land
Crisis and Change in Agrarian Society as Reflected in Rabbinic Sources
Bar-Ilan Studies in Near Eastern Languages and Culture

Sperber, Daniel
Roman Palestine, 200-400: The Land
Crisis and Change in Agrarian Society as Reflected in Rabbinic Sources
Bar-Ilan Studies in Near Eastern Languages and Culture

Sperber, Daniel
The City in Roman Palestine