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Keresési eredmények / results

Ackroyd, Peter R.
Exile and Restoration
A Study of Hebrew Thought of the Sixth Century BC
The Old Testament Library

Albertz, Rainer
Die Exilszeit
6. Jahrhundert v. Chr.
Biblische Enzyklopädie, 7

Friedman, Richard Elliott
The Exile and Biblical Narrative
The Formation of the Deuteronomistic and Priestly Works
Harvard Semitic Monographs, 22

Janssen, Enno
Juda in der Exilszeit
Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Entstehung des Judentums
Forschungen zur Religion un Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments, NF 51 (69)

Klamroth, Erich
Die jüdischen Exulanten in Babylonien
Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten Testament, 10

Lipschits, Oded
The Rise and Fall of Jerusalem
Judah under Babylonian Rule

Lipschits, Oded -- Blenkinsopp, Joseph, Eds.
Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babylonian Period

Lipschits, Oded -- Knoppers, Gary N. -- Oeming, Manfred, eds. / Schmid, Konrad -- Schaper, Joachim -- Hagedorn, Anselm C. -- Nihan, Christphe -- Middlemas, Jill -- Rom-Shiloni, Dalit -- Wöhrle, Jakob -- Dor, Yonina -- Southwood, Katherine
Judah and the Judeans in the Achaemenid Period
Negotiating Identity in an International Context

Lipschits, Oded -- Oeming, Manfred, eds. / Becking, Bob -- Berquist, Jon L. -- Wright, John W. -- Kessler, John -- Fried, Lisbeth S. -- Ussishkin, David -- Edelman, Diana -- Dandamayev, M. A. -- Japhet, Sara -- Amit, Yairah -- Liss, Hanna
Judah and the Judeans in the Persian Period

Lipschitz, Oded -- Knoppers, Gary N. -- Albertz, Rainer, eds. / Tal, Oren -- Wiesehöfer, Josef -- Lemaire, André -- Vanderhooft, David -- Kottsieper, Ingo -- Grabbe, Lester L. -- Stern, Ian -- Kloner, Amos -- Wright, Jacob L. -- Ben Zvi, Ehud
Judah and the Judeans in the Fourth Century B.C.E.

Smith, Daniel L.
The Religion of the Landless
The Social Context of the Babylonian Exile

Zadok, Ran
The Earliest Diaspora
Israelites and Judeans in Pre-Hellenistic Mesopotamia
Publications of the Diaspora Research Institute, 151

Zadok, Ran
The Jews in Babylonia during the Chaldean and Achaemenian Periods
According to the Babylonian Sources
Studies in the History of the Jewish People and the Land of Israel: Monograph Series, 3