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Keresési eredmények / results
Abraham ibn Ezra / Lancaster, Irene
Deconstructing the Bible
Abraham ibn Ezra's Introduction to the Torah
Evans, G.R.
The Language and Logic of the Bible
The Earlier Middle Ages
Lubac, Henri de
Medieval Exegesis
The Four Senses of Scripture, II
Ressourcement: Retrieval and Renewal in Catholic Thought
Lubac, Henri de -- Wilken, R. L., Forew.
Medieval Exegesis
The Four Senses of Scripture, I
Ressourcement: Retrieval and Renewal in Catholic Thought
McNally, Robert E.
The Bible in the Middle Ages
Scholars Press Reprints and Translations
Smalley, Beryl
The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages
Smalley, Beryl / Murphy, Roland E., Ed.
Medieval Exegesis of Wisdom Literature
Essays by Beryl Smalley
Scholars Press Reprints and Translations Series