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Keresési eredmények / results
Abegg, Martin G. -- Bowley, James E. -- Cook, Edward M.
The Dead Sea Scrolls Concordance, 1
The Non-Biblical Texts from Qumran, 1
Abegg, Martin G. -- Bowley, James E. -- Cook, Edward M.
The Dead Sea Scrolls Concordance, 1
The Non-Biblical Texts from Qumran, 2
Even-Shoshan, Abraham, Ed.
A New Concordance of the Bible
Thesaurus of the Language of the Bible. Hebrew and Aramaic Roots, Words, Proper Names, Phrases and Synonyms
Fuerst, Julius (Alsari, Jaakov)
Ocar leson ha-kodes
Szefer konkordancia al Tora, Neviim u-Ketuvim
Fuerst, Julius (Alsari, Jaakov)
Ocar leson ha-kodes
Szefer konkordancia al Tora, Neviim u-Ketuvim
Leib, Saul ben Jehuda
Szefer ha-milim
Konkordancija he-hadas
Lisowsky, Gerhard
Konkordanz zum hebräischen Alten Testament
Mandelkern, Solomon
Veteris Testamenti Concordantiae Hebraicae atque Chaldaicae