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Keresési eredmények / results
Blau, Lajos / Turán, Tamás, utószó / Schweitzer, József, Köszöntõ
Az óhéber könyv -- A héber bibliakánon
Adalék az ókori kulturtörténethez és a bibliai irodalomtörténethez
Historia Judaica, 2
Fumagalli, Pier Francesco
Tipografia ebraica a Cremona 1556-1576
Mostra Bibliografica. Dicembre 1985 – Gennaio 1986
Gyurgyák, János
Huszonöt év a magyar könyvkiadásban
Századvég Kiadó 1985-1994, Osiris Kiadó 1995-2010: Bibliográfia
Haberman, A. M.
Ha-madpis Daniel Bomberg u-reshimat sifré bét defuso
Heller, Marvin J.
Printing the Talmud
A History of the Earliest Printed Editions of the Talmud
Heller, Marvin J.
Printing the Talmud
A History of the Individual Treatises Printed from 1700 to 1750
Brill's Series in Jewish Studies, 21
Heller, Marvin J.
The Seventeenth Century Hebrew Book
An Abridged Thesaurus, Vol. I-II
Brill's Series in Jewish Studies, 41/1-2
Heller, Marvin J.
The Sixteenth Century Hebrew Book
An Abridged Thesaurus. I
Brill's Series in Jewish Studies, 33/I
Heller, Marvin J.
The Sixteenth Century Hebrew Book
An Abridged Thesaurus. II
Brill's Series in Jewish Studies, 33/2
Hill, Brad Sabin
Hebrew 'Fore-Titles'
Hill, Brad Sabin
From Bardejov to Oxford: The Contribution of Slovakian Jewry to Anglo-Hebrew Scholarship
Hill, Brad Sabin
The Last Yiddish Book Printed in Poland before the Holocaust and other rarities in the YIVO Library
Hill, Brad Sabin / Alston, R. C., ed.
Books Printed on Vellum in the Collections of The British Library
Catalogue of Hebrew Books Printed on Vellum in The British Library
Linenthal, Richard, ed.
The Book Collector
Special Number for the 150th Anniversary of Bernard Quaritch
The Book Collector, 1997
Pick, Bernhard
History of the Printed Editions of the Old Testament
Together with a Description of the Rabbinic and Polyglot Bibles
Analecta Gorgiana, 78
9, no. 1/2, (1892-1893)