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Keresési eredmények / results

Eshkenazy (Eskenazi), Elly (Eli) H. -- Ghichev (Gicsev), Strakhill (Sztrahil) D.
Descriptive Catalogue of the Old Printed Hebrew Books in Bulgaria
Volume I -- 16th c., Part 1 -- up to 1540

Hill, Brad Sabin
Microform Collections in the Leopold Muller Memorial Library

Hill, Brad Sabin
The Milwitzky Collection of Judezmo Books in the YIVO Library
YVO News, Winter 2003, pp. 16ff.

Hill, Brad Sabin
Hebrew Incunabula and the Wineman Collection

Hill, Brad Sabin
The 'Centrum Bibliographicum Hebraicum' at Oxford
Hebrew BIbliographic Collection Established / The Leopold Muller Memorial Library

Hill, Brad Sabin, cur.
The I. Edward Kiev Judaica Collection. Geographical Gazetteer of Hebrew Imprints

Hill, Brad Sabin, cur.
The I. Edward Kiev Judaica Collection. Yiddish Books in the Gelman Library

Iakerson, M.S.
Hebrew Incunabula
Description of Publications kept in Libraries of Moscow and Leningrad

Schubert, Ursula -- Schubert, Kurt
Jüdische Buchkunst, I
Buchkunst im Wandel der Zeiten, 3, I

Spiegel, Yaakov Shmuel
Chapters in the History of the Jewish Book / Amudim be-toldot ha-séfer ha-ivri
Scholars and their Annotations / Haggahot u-maggihim

Yudlov, Isaac / Ormann, G.J., Appendix
The Israel Mehlman Collection
in the Jewish National and University Library. An Annotated Catalogue of the Hebrew Books, Booklets and Pamphlets