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Keresési eredmények / results
Kadushin, Max
A Conceptual Commentary on Midrash Leviticus Rabbah
Value Concepts in Jewish Thought
Brown Judaic Studies, 126
Neusner, Jacob
Comparative Midrash
The Plan and Program of Genesis Rabbah and Leviticus Rabbah
Brown Judaic Studies, 111
Neusner, Jacob
From Tradition to Imitation
The Plan and Program of Pesiqta Rabbati and Pesiqta deRab Kahana
Brown Judaic Studies, 80
Neusner, Jacob
The Integrity of Leviticus Rabbah
The Problem of the Autonomy of a Rabbinic Document
Brown Judaic Studies, 93
Neusner, Jacob
The Midrash Compilations of the Sixth and Seventh Centuries
An Introduction to the Rhetorical, Logical, and Topical Program. IV: Song of Songs Rabbah
Brown Judaic Studies, 190
Neusner, Jacob
The Midrash Compilations of the Sixth and Seventh Centuries
An Introduction to the Rhetorical, Logical, and Topical Program. I: Lamentations Rabbah
Brown Judaic Studies, 187
Neusner, Jacob
The Midrash Compilations of the Sixth and Seventh Centuries
An Introduction to the Rhetorical, Logical, and Topical Program. II: Esther Rabbah I
Brown Judaic Studies, 188
Neusner, Jacob
The Midrash Compilations of the Sixth and Seventh Centuries
An Introduction to the Rhetorical, Logical, and Topical Program. III: Ruth Rabbah
Brown Judaic Studies, 189
Neusner, Jacob / Marguiles, Mordecai, Ed. -- Berchman, Robert -- Heinemann, Joseph
Judaism and Scripture
The Evidence of Leviticus Rabbah
Chicago Studies in the History of Judaism
Neusner, Jacob / Marguiles, Mordecai, Ed. -- Berchman, Robert -- Heinemann, Joseph
Judaism and Scripture
The Evidence of Leviticus Rabbah
Chicago Studies in the History of Judaism
Neusner, Jacob, Transl., Ed.
Genesis and Judaism
The Perspective of Genesis Rabbah. An Analytical Anthology
Brown Judaic Studies, 108
Segal, Eliezer
The Babylonian Esther Midrash
A Critical Commentary. I: To the End of Esther Chapter 1
Brown Judaic Studies, 291
Segal, Eliezer
The Babylonian Esther Midrash
A Critical Commentary. II: To the Beginning of Esther Chapter 5
Brown Judaic Studies, 292
Segal, Eliezer
The Babylonian Esther Midrash
A Critical Commentary. III: Esther Chapter 5 to End
Brown Judaic Studies, 293
Tijn, Maartje van
Midrasjiem over goed en kwaad, II
De mens, waar goed en kwaad tezamen komen ...