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Keresési eredmények / results
Cohen, A., ed.
The Minor Tractates of the Talmud
Massektoth Ketannoth. Volume One
Cohen, A., ed.
The Minor Tractates of the Talmud
Massektoth Ketannoth. Volume Two
Cohen, Abraham, Ed. / Brodie, Israel, Foreword / Slotki, Israel W., Transl., Intr., Notes
The Minor Tractates of the Talmud. Massektoth Ketannoth
Masseketh Soferim - Tractate for Scribes
Higger, Mikhael, ed., comm.
Masszekhet Szofrim
ve-nilvu aleha midras maszekhet szofrim bet
Kister, Menachem, proleg.
Avot de-rabbi Natan / Avoth de-Rabbi Nathan
Solomon Sechter Edition with References to Paralells in the Two Versions and to the Addenda in the Schecter Edition
Neusner, Jacob
The Fathers according to Rabbi Nathan
An Analytical Translation and Explanation
Brown Judaic Studies, 114
Schechter, Solomon
Aboth de Rabbi Nathan
Edited from Manuscripts with an Introduction, Notes and Appendices
Sperber, Daniel
A Commentary on Derech Erez Zuta
Chapters Five to Eight. Also Called Derech Erez Ze'ira