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Keresési eredmények / results

Ginzberg, Louis, ed.
Yerushalmi Fragments from the Genizah
I: Text with Various Readings from the Editio Princeps

Guggenheimer, Heinrich W.
The Jerusalem Talmud
First Order: Zeraim. Tractate Berakhot
Studia Judaica, 18

Guggenheimer, Heinrich W., ed., transl., comm.
The Jerusalem Talmud
First Order: Zeraim. Tractates Kilaim and Seviit
Studia Judaica, 20

Guggenheimer, Heinrich W., ed., transl., comm.
The Jerusalem Talmud
First Order: Zeraim. Tractates Peah and Demay
Studia Judaica, 19

Rosenthal, E.S., Ed., Intr./ Lieberman, S. Intr., Comm.
Yerushalmi Neziqin
Publications of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Section of Humani