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Keresési eredmények / results
Alexander, Philip S. -- Vermes, Geza (Géza), eds.
Qumran Cave 4
19: Serekh Ha-Yahad and Two Related Texts
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 26
Allegro, John
The Dead Sea Scrolls
A Reappraisal
Allegro, John M. / Anderson, Arnold A., Collab.
Qumran Cave 4
1: (4Q158-4Q186)
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert of Jordan, 5 [= Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 5]
Allegro, John Marco
The Treasure of the Copper Scroll
The Opening and Decipherment of the Most Mysterious of the Dead See Scrolls, a Unique Inventory of Buried Treasure
Amuszin, I.D. / Fröhlich Ida -- Komoróczy, Géza, utószó
A holt-tengeri tekercsek és a qumráni közösség
Amuszin, Ioszif Davidovics
Teksztü Kumrana, I
Pamjatniki pisz'mennoszti Vosztoka, 23, I
Attridge, Harold -- Elgvin, Torleif -- Milik, Jozef -- Olyan, Saul -- Strugneli, John -- Tov, Emanuel -- VanderKam, James -- White, Sidnie
Qumran Cave 4
8: Parabiblical Texts, Part 1
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 13
Avigad, Nahman -- Yadin, Yigael
A Genesis Apocryphon
A Scroll from the Wilderness of Judaea
Baigent, Michael -- Leigh, Richard
Mi az igazság a holt-tengeri tekercsek körül?
Baillet, Maurice
Qumran Grotte 4
3: (4Q482--4Q520)
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 7
Baillet, Maurice -- Milik, Jozef Tadeus -- de Vaux, Roland / Baker, H.W., contrib.
Les 'petites grottes' de Qumran
Exploration de la falaise les grottes 2Q, 3Q, 5Q, 6Q, 7Q a 10Q. Le rouleau de cuivre. I: Textes, II: Planches
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 3
Bardtke, Hans
Die Handschriftenfunde am Toten Meer
Die Sekte von Qumran
Bardtke, Hans
Die Handschriftenfunde in der Wüste Juda
Bardtke, Hans, Hrsg.
Vorträge des Leipziger Symposions über Qumran-Probleme vom 9. bis 14. Oktober 1961
Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Schriften der Sektion für Altert
Bardtke, Hans, Hrsg.
Vorträge des Leipziger Symposions über Qumran-Probleme vom 9. bis 14. Oktober 1961
Schriften der Sektion für Altertumswissenschaft der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 42
Barrera, Julio Trebolle -- Montaner, Luis Vegas, Eds.
The Madrid Qumran Congress, II
Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Madrid 18-21 March, 1991
Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, 11, II
Barthélemy, Dominique -- Milik, Jozef Tadeus / de Vaux, Roland -- Crowfoot, G. M. -- Plenderleith, H. J. -- Harding, G. L., Contrib.
Qumran Cave 1
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 1
Baumgarten, Joseph -- Elgvin, Torleif -- Eshel, Esther -- Larson, Erik -- Lehmann, Manfred R. -- Pfann, Stephen -- Schiffman, Lawrence H.
Qumran Cave 4
25: Halakhic Texts
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 35
Baumgarten, Joseph M. / Pfann, Stephen -- Yardeni, Ada, Contrib.
Qumran Cave 4
18: The Damascus Document (4Q266-273)
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 18
Benoit, Pierre -- Milik, Jozef Tadeus -- de Vaux, Roland / Crowfoot, G. M. -- Crowfoot, E. -- Grohmann, A., contrib.
Les grottes de Murabba'at
I: Texte; II: Planches
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 2
Bernstein, Moshe -- Brady, Monica -- Charlesworth, James H. -- Flint, Peter -- Misgav, Haggai -- Pfann, Stephen, et al.
Qumran Cave 4
28: Miscellanea, Part 2
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 28
Beyer, Klaus
Die aramäischen Texte vom Toten Meer
samt den Inschriften aus Palästina, dem Testament Levis aus der Kairoer Genisa, der Fastenrolle und den alten talmudischen Zitaten
Beyer, Klaus
Die aramäischen Texte vom Toten Meer
samt den Inschriften aus Palästina, dem Testament Levis aus der Kairoer Genisa, der Fastenrolle und den alten talmudischen Zitaten. Ergänzungsband
Black, Matthew
The Scrolls and Christian Origins
Studies in the Jewish Background of the New Testament
Brown Judaic Studies, 48
Brooke, G. -- Collins, J. -- Elgvin, T. -- Flint, P. -- Greenfield, J. -- Larson, E. -- Newsom, C. - Puech, É. -- Schiffman, Lawrence H. -- Stone, M. -- Trebolle Barrera
Qumran Cave 4
XVII: Parabiblical Texts, Part 3
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 22
Brooke, George J. -- Davies, Philip R., eds.
Copper Scroll Studies
Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha. Supplement Series, 40
Broshi, Magen -- Eshel, Esther -- Fitzmyer, Joseph -- Larson, E. -- Newsom, C. -- Schiffman, Lawrence H. -- Smith, M. - Stone, M. - Strugnell, J. - Yardeni, A. - VanderKam, J. eds.
Qumran Cave 4, XIV
Parabiblical Texts, Part 2
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 19
Bruce, F.F.
Die Handschriftenfunde am Toten Meer
Nach dem heutigen Stand der Forschung
Burrows, Millar
The Dead Sea Scrolls
Burrows, Millar / Komoróczy, Géza, ford.
A holttengeri tekercsek
Hat héber kézirat a holttengeri tekercsek közül
Burrows, Millar / Komoróczy, Géza, lekt., ford.
A holttengeri tekercsek
Carmignac, J. -- Guilbert, P -- Cothenet, É -- Lignée, H.
Les Textes de Qumran, 1-2
Traduits et Annotés. La Règle de la Communauté. La Règle de la Guerre. Les Hymnes. Règle de la Congrégation - Recueil des Bénédictions. Interprétations de Prophètes et de Psaumes. Document de Damas - Apocryphe de la Genèse. Fragments des Grottes 1 et 4
Charlesworth, James H.
The Pesharim and Qumran History
Chaos or Consensus?
Charlesworth, James H. -- Cohen, N. -- Cotton, H. -- Eshel, Esther -- Eshel, Hanan -- Flint, P. -- Misgav, H. -- Morgenstern, M. -- Murphy, K. -- VanderKam, J. -- Brady, M.
Miscellaneous Texts from the Judaean Desert
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 38
Charlesworth, James H. -- Newsom, Carol A.
The Dead Sea Scrolls. Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts with English Translations
4B: Angelic Liturgy: Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice
The Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Project
Charlesworth, James H. -- Rietz, Henry W. L., ed.
The Dead Sea Scrolls.Hebrew. Aramaic, and Greek Texts with English Translations
4A: Pseudoepigraphic and Non-Masoretic Psalms and Prayers
The Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Scrolls Project
Charlesworth, James H., ed.
Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls
The Anchor Bible Reference Library
Charlesworth, James H., Ed.
The Dead Sea Scrolls. Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts with English Translations
6B: Pesharim, Other Commentaries, and Related Documents
The Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Project
Charlesworth, James H., ed.
The Hebrew Bible and Qumran
The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls (Proceedings of the Jubilee Celebration at Pr
Charlesworth, James H., et al., Eds.
The Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts with English Translations
2: Damascus Document, War Scroll, and Related Documents
The Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Project
Charlesworth, James H., et al., Eds.
The Dead Sea Scrolls. Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts with English Translations
1: Rule of the Community and Related Documents
The Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Project
Chazon, Esther -- Elgvin, Torleif -- Eshel, Esther -- Falk, Daniel -- Nitzan, Bilhah -- Qimron, Elisha -- Schuller, Eileen -- Seely, David -- Tighcelaar, Eibert
Qumran Cave 4
XX: Poetical and Liturgical Texts, 2
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 29
Cotton, Hannah M. -- Yardeni, Ada
Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek Documentary Texts from Nahal Hever and Other Sites
With An Appendix Containing Alleged Qumran Texts (The Seiyal Collection II)
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 27
Cotton, Hannah M. -- Yardeni, Ada, eds.
Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek Documentary Texts from Nahal Hever and other Sites
With an Appendix Containing Alleged Qumran Texts (The Seiyal Collection II)
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 27
Cross, Frank Moore -- Parry, Donald W. -- Saley, Richard J. -- Ulrich, Eugene / Tov, Emanuel, Foreword
Qumran Cave 4
XII: 1-2 Samuel
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 17
Davies, Philip R.
Behind the Essenes
History and Ideology in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Brown Judaic Studies, 94
Davies, Philip R.
Sects and Scrolls
Essays on Qumran and Related Topics
South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism, 134
Davies, Philip R.
The Damascus Covenant
An Interpretation of the "Damascus Document"
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. Supplement Series, 25
Davies, Philip R. -- Brooke, George J. -- Callaway, Phillip R.
A holt-tengeri tekercsek világa
Dimant, Devorah
Qumran Cave 4, XXI
Parabiblical Texts, Part 4: Pseudo-Prophetic Texts
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 30
Dimant, Devorah -- Rappaport, Uriel, Ed.
The Dead Sea Scrolls
Forty Years of Research
Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, 10
Dupont-Sommer, André
Les écrits esséniens découverts pres de la Mer Morte
Eisenman, Robert H. -- Wise, Michael
The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered
The First Complete Translation and Interpretation of 50 Key Documents Withheld for Over 35 Years
Eisenmann, Robert -- Wise, Michael
Jesus und die Urchristen
Die Qumran-Rollen entschlüsselt
Eissfeldt, Otto
Einleitung in das Alte Testament
Entstehungsgeschichte des Alten Testaments
Elgvin, Torleif -- Kister, Menachem -- Lim, Timothy -- Nitzan, Bilhah -- Pfann, Stephen -- Qimron, Elisha -- Schiffman, Lawrence H. -- Steudel, Anette
Qumran Cave 4
XV: Sapiental Texts, Part 1
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 20
Eshel, Esther -- Eshel, Hanan -- Newsom, Carol -- Nitzan, Bilhah -- Schuller, Eileen -- Yardeni, Ada -- VanderKam, James -- Brady, Monica, eds.
Qumran Cave 4
VI: Poetical and Liturgical Texts, Part 1
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 11
Fitzmyer, Joseph A.
The Genesis Apocryphon of Qumran Cave I
A Commentary
Biblica et Orientalia, 18A
Flint, Peter W. -- VanderKam, James C.
The Dead Sea Scrolls After Fifty Years
A Comprehensive Assesment, vol. I
Flint, Peter W. -- VanderKam, James C.
The Dead Sea Scrolls After Fifty Years
A Comprehensive Assesment. Vol. II
Fritsch, Charles T.
The Qumran Community
Its History and Scrolls
Fröhlich, Ida, ford., bev., jegyz., bibl.
A qumráni szövegek magyarul
Studia Orientalia, 1.
Gropp, Douglas M.
Wadi Daliyeh
II: The Samaria Papyri from Wadi Daliyeh
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 28
Gropp, Douglas M.
Wadi Daliyeh
II: The Samaria Papyri from Wadi Daliyeh
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 28
Harrington, Hannah K.
The Impurity Systems of Qumran and the Rabbis
Biblical Foundations
Society of Biblical Literature, Dissertation Series, 143
Holm-Nielsen, Svend
Psalms from Qumran
Acta Theologica Danica, II.
Jeremias, Gert
Der Lehrer der Gerechtigkeit
Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments, 2
Komoróczy, Géza, ford., bev., bibl., magy.
Kiáltó szó a pusztában
A holt-tengeri tekercsek
Osiris könyvtár, történelem
Kovalev, Sz.I. -- Kublanov, M.M.
Nahodki v Iudejszkoj pusztüne
Otkrütija v rajone Mertvogo morja i voproszü proiszhozsdennija xrisztiansztva
Lefkovits, Judah K.
The Copper Scroll. 3Q15: A Reevaluation
A New Reading, Translation, and Commentary
Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, 25
Lewis, Naphtali -- Yadin, Yigael -- Greenfield, Jonas C.
The Documents from the Bar Kohba Period in the Cave of Letters
Greek Papyri; Aramaic and Nabatean Signatures and Subscriptions
Judean Desert Studies, 2
Livshits, G. M.
Proishozhdenie hristianstva
V svete rukopisey Mertvogo Morya
Maier, Johann
Die Tempelrolle vom Toten Meer
UTB für Wissenschaft. Uni-Taschenbücher, 829
Maier, Johann
Die Texte vom Toten Meer
Band I. Übersetzung
Maier, Johann
Die Texte vom Toten Meer
Band 2. Anmerkungen
Maier, Johann
The Temple Scroll
An Introduction, Translation & Commentary
Journal for the Old Testament. Supplement Series, 34
Mansoor, Menahem
The Thanksgiving Hymns
Studies on the texts of the desert of Judah, 3
Martínez, Florentino García -- Tigchelaar, Eibert J. C.
The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition
I: 1Q1-4Q273
Martínez, Florentino García -- Tigchelaar, Eibert J. C. -- van der Woude, Adam S. -- van der Ploeg, J. P. M. -- Herbert, Edward, Eds.
Qumran Cave 11
II: 11Q2-18, 11Q20-31
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert: XXIII
Martínez, Florentino García -- Tigchelaar, Eibert J. C., eds., transl.
The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition
II: 4Q274-11Q31
Milik, J. T. -- Vaux, Roland de
Qumran Grotte 4, II
[II/2: Tefillin, Mezuzot et Targums (4Q128--4Q157)]
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 6
Morawe, Günter
Aufbau und Abgrenzung der Loblieder von Qumran
Studien zur gattungsgeschichtlichen Einordnung der Hodajoth
Theologische Arbeiten, 16
Newsom, Carol
Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice: A Critical Edition
Harvard Semitic Studies, 27
Nitzan, Bilhah
Qumran Prayer and Religious Poetry
Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, 12
Pfann, Stephen J.
Qumran Cave 4
XXVI: Cryptic Texts, Miscellanea, Part 1
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 36
Pike, Dana M. -- Skinner, Andrew C. / Szink, Terrence L., contr.
Qumran Cave 4
XXIII: Undidentified Fragments
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 33
Puech, Émile
Qumran Grotte 4, XXII
Textes araméens, premiere partie: 4Q529-549
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 31
Puech, Émile, ed.
Qumran Grotte 4
XVIII: Textes hébreux (4Q521-4Q528, 4Q576-4Q579)
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 25
Qimron, Elisha -- Strugnell, John / Sussmann, Y. -- Yardeni, A., contr.
Qumran Cave 4, V
Miqsat ma'ase ha-torah
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 10
Qimron, Elisha / García Martínez, Florentino, bibliography
The Temple Scroll
A Critical Edition with Extensive Reconstructions
Judean Desert Studies
Roitman, Adolfo, Ed. / Eshel, Hanan / Broshi, Magen
A Day at Qumran
The Dead Sea Sect and Its Scrolls
Sanders, James A.
The Psalms Scroll of Qumran Cave 11
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 4
Schäfer, Peter
Jewish Studies at European Universities: Actual and Potential
?, 40-49
Schick, Alexander
Csodálatos Kumrán
Tudományos krimi, szakmai vita és a holt-tengeri tekercsek igazi jelentõsége
Schiffman, Lawrence H. / Potik, Chaim, Foreword
Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls
The History of Judaism, the Background of Christianity, the Lost Library of Qumran
Schiffmann, Lawrence H.
Sectarian Law in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Courts, Testimony and the Penal Code
Brown Judaic Studies, 33
Schiffmann, Lawrence H., Ed.
Achaeology and History in the Dead Sea Scrolls
The New York University Conference in Memory of Yigael Yadin
JSOT/ASOR Monograph Series, 2
Journal for the Study of the Pseudoepigrapha Supplement Series, 8
Segert, Stanislav
Synove svetla a Synove tmy
Svedectvi nejstarsich biblickich rukopisu
Skehan, Patrick W. -- Ulrich, Eugene -- Sanderson, Judith E. / Parsons, P. J., contr.
Qumran Cave 4, IV
Palaeo-Hebrew and Greek Biblical Manuscripts
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 9
Steudel, Annette
Der Midrasch zur Eschatologie aus der Qumrangemeinde (4QMidrEschat a.b)
Materielle Rekonstruktion, Textbestand, Gattung und traditions-geschichtliche Einordnung des durch 4Q174 ('Florilegium') und 4Q177 ('Catena A') repräsentierten Werkes aus den Qumranfunden
Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, 13
Stoll, Heinrich Alexander / Hahn I., utószó
A holt-tengeri barlangok rejtélye
Strugnell, John -- Harrington, Daniel J., -- Elgvin, Torleif
Qumran Cave 4
XXIV: Sapiental Texts, 2: 4QInstructions (Musar le Mevin): 4Q415ff.
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 34
Stuckenbruck, Loren T.
The Book of Giants from Qumran
Texts, Translation, and Commentary
Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum, 63
Sussmann, Ayala -- Peled, Ruth, Eds.
Scrolls from the Dead Sea
An Exhibition of Scrolls and Archeological Artifacts from the Collections of the Israel Antiquities Authority
Talmon, Shemaryahu -- Ben-Dov, Jonathan -- Glessmer, Uwe
Qumran Cave 4
XVI: Calendrical Texts
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 21
Talmon, Shemaryahu -- Ben-Dov, Jonathan -- Glessmer, Uwe
Qumran Cave 4
XVI: Calendrical Texts
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 21
Tov, Emanuel -- Kraft, R. A. -- Parsons, P. J. / Strugnell, John, elõszó
The Greek Minor Prophets Scroll from Nahal Hever (8HevXIIgr)
(The Seiyal Collection I)
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 8
Tov, Emanuel / Abegg, Martin G., Jr. -- Lange, Armin -- Mittmann-Richert, Ulrike -- Pfann, S. J. -- Tigchelaar, E. J. C. -- Ulrich, E. -- Webster, Brian, contr.
The Texts from the Judaean Desert
Indices and an Introduction to the Discoveries in the Judaean Desert Series
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 39
Tyloch, Witold
Rekopisy z Qumran
nad Morzem Martwym
Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze. Rozprawy i Materialy, 6
Ulrich, Eugene -- Cross, Frank Moore -- Crawford, Sidnie White -- Duncan, Julie Ann -- Skehan, Patrick W. -- Tov, Emanuel -- Barrera, Julio Trebolle
Qumran Cave 4
IX: Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Kings
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 9
Ulrich, Eugene -- Cross, Frank Moore -- Davila, James R. -- Jastram, Nathan -- Sanderson, Judith. E. -- Tov, Emanuel -- Strugnell, John
Qumran Cave 4
VII: Genesis to Numbers
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 12
Ulrich, Eugene -- Cross, Frank Moore -- Fitzmyer, Joseph A. -- Flint, Peter W., et al.
Qumran Cave 4
11: Psalms to Chronicles
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 16
Ulrich, Eugene -- Cross, Frank Moore -- Fuller, Russell E. -- Sanderson, Judith E. -- Skehan, Patrick W. -- Tov, Emanuel / Murphy, C. --Niccum, C., Collab.
Qumran Cave 4
10: The Prophets
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 15
Ulrich, Eugene -- Flint, Peter W. / Abegg, Martin G.contr.
Qumran Cave 1
II: The Isaiah Scrolls, 1: Plates and Transcriptions
Discoveries in the Judean Desert, 32
Ulrich, Eugene -- Flint, Peter W. / Abegg, Martin G.contr.
Qumran Cave 1
II: The Isaiah Scrolls, 2: Introductions, Commentary, and Textual Variants
Discoveries in the Judean Desert, 32
van der Woude, A.S.
Die messianischen Vorstellungen der Gemeinde von Qumran
Studia Semitica Neerlandica, 3
Vermes, Géza
A holt-tengeri tekercsek:
Negyven év után
MTA Judaisztikai Kutatócsoport, Értesitõ, 6
Vermes, Géza
A qumráni közösség és a holt-tengeri tekercsek története
Osiris könyvtár. Történelem
Vermes, Geza
An Introduction to the Complete Dead Sea Scrolls
Vermes, Geza
The Dead Sea Scrolls Forty Years On
The Fourteenth Sacks Lectures delivered on 20th May 1987
Vermes, Geza
The Dead Sea Scrolls in English
Penguin Religion
Vermes, Geza (Géza), transl.
The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English
Vermes, Geza / Vermes, Pamela, Coll.
The Dead Sea Scrolls
Qumran in Perspective
Weinfeld, Moshe
The Organizational Pattern and the Penal Code of the Qumran Sect
A Comparison with Guilds and Religious Associations of the Hellenistic-Roman Period
Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus, 2
Winn Leith, Mary Joan
Wadi Daliyeh
I: The Wadi Daliyeh Seal Impressions
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 24
Wise, Michael -- Abegg, Martin, Jr. -- Cook, Edward
The Dead Sea Scrolls
A New Translation
Wolters, Al / Brooke, George J., elõszó
The Copper Scroll
Overview, Text and Translation
Xeravits, Géza
Könyvtár a pusztában
Bevezetés a Holt-tengeri tekercsek nem-bibliai irodalmába
Deuterocanonica, 3
Xeravits, Géza
Szentírás-értelmezés Qumránban: Folyamatos peserek
Fordítás és magyarázat
A Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Hittudományi Kara, Bibliai és Judaisztikai Kutatócsoport
Xeravits, Géza / Zsengellér, József, elõszó
A qumrani közösség szentírásértelmezése
Folyamatos peserek
Acta Theologica Papensia, 5
Xeravits, Géza G. -- Porzig, Peter
Einführung in die Qumranliteratur
Die Handschriften vom Toten Meer
Xeravits, Géza György
King, Priest, Prophet
Positive Eschatological Protagonists of the Qumran Library
Yadin, Yigael
The Temple Scroll
The Hidden Law of the Dead Sea Sect
Yadin, Yigael, Ed.
Megilat milhemet bené or bi-vné hosek / The Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of the Darkness
Mi-megilot midbar Jehuda
Yadin, Yigael, Ed.
The Temple Scroll
II: Text and Commentary
Yadin, Yigael, Ed.
The Temple Scroll (Hebrew Edition)
II: Text and Commentary