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Keresési eredmények / results
Duke, Rodney K.
The Persuasive Appeal of the Chronicler
A Rhetorical Analysis
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement Series, 88
Bible and Literature Series, 25
Eisemann, Moshe -- Scherman, Nosson
Divrei Hayamim I / I Chronicles
A New Translation with a Commentary Anthologized from Talmudic, Midrashic and Rabbinic Sources
ArtScroll Tanach Series
Endres, J. C. -- Millar, W. R. -- Burns, J. B., Eds.
Chronicles and Its Synoptic Parallels in Samuel, Kings, and Related Biblical Texts
Japhet, Sara
I & II Chronicles
A Commentary
The Old Testament Library
Kalimi, Isaac
The Reshaping of Ancient Israelite History in Chronicles
Knoppers, Gary N.
I Chronicles 1-9
A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
The Anchor Bible, 12
Knoppers, Gary N.
I Chronicles 10-29
A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
The Anchor Bible, 12A
Kustár Zoltán
A Krónikák könyve
A mû elõállása, tanítása, szövegállományának és kanonikus forrásainak szinopszisa
A Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem Ószövetségi Tanszékének Tanulmányi F
Kustár, Péter
A Krónikák első és második könyvének magyarázata
Langton, Stephen / Saltman, Avrom, Ed., Intr.
Commentary on the Book of Chronicles
Liver, Jacob / Uffenheimer, Benjamin, Pref.
Chapters in the History of the Priests and Levites
Studies in the List of Chronicles and Ezra and Nehemiah
Publications of the Perry Foundation for Biblical Research in the Hebrew Univers
McKenzie, Steven L.
The Chronicler's Use of the Deuteronomistic History
Harvard Semitic Monographs, 33
Myers, Jacob M.
I Chronicles
The Anchor Bible, 12
Myers, Jacob M.
II Chronicles
The Anchor Bible, 13
Noth, Martin
The Chronicler's History
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series, 50
Shaver, Judson R.
Torah and the Chronicler's History Work
An Inquiry into the Chronicler's References to Laws, Festivals, and Cultic Institutions in Relationship to Pentateuchal Legislation
Brown Judaic Studies, 196