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Keresési eredmények / results
Alexander, Philip S.
The Targum of Canticles
Translated, with a Critical Introduction, Apparatus and Notes
The Aramaic Bible, 17A
Beattie, D.R.G. -- McIvor, J. Stanley, Transl.
The Targum of Ruth. The Targum of Chronicles
The Aramaic Bible, 19
The Targums
Grossfeld, Bernard, Transl.
The Two Targums of Esther
The Aramaic Bible, 18
The Targums
Levine, Étan
The Aramaic Version of Ruth
Analecta Biblica, Investigationes Scientificae In Res Biblicas, 58
Mangan, Celine -- Healy, John F. -- Knobel, Peter S., Transl.
The Targum of Job. The Targum of Proverbs. The Targum of Qohelet
The Aramaic Bible, 15
The Targums
Sokoloff, Michael
The Targum to Job from Qumran Cave XI
Bar-Ilan Studies in Near Eastren Languages and Culture
Stec, David M., transl., intr., notes / Cathcart, Kevin -- McNamara, Martin -- Maher, Michael, foreword
The Targum of Psalms
The Aramaic Bible, 16
The Targums