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Keresési eredmények / results
Adamthwaite, Murray R.
Late Hittite Emar
The Chronology, Synchronisms, and Socio-Political Aspects of a Late Bronze Age Fortress Town
Ancient Near Eastern Studies (forrmerly Abr-Nahrain). Supplement, 8
Beyer, Dominique
Les sceaux
Mission archéologique de Meskéné-Emar, Recherches au pays d'Astata
Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis. Series Archaeologia, 20
Emar, 4
Beyer, Dominique
Meskéné - Emar
Dix ans de travaux 1972-1982
Mission Archéologique de Meskéné - Emar
Chavalas, Mark W., ed.
The History, Religion, and Culture of a Syrian Town in the Late Bronze Age
Finkbeiner, Uwe -- Sakal, Ferhan, eds. / Krafeld-Daugherty, Maria -- Gündem, Can Y. -- Riehl, Simone -- Deckers, Katleen -- Grootes, Pieter M. -- Nadeau, Marie-Josée, contr.
Emar after the Closure of the Tabqa Dam: The Syrian -- German Excavations 1996-2002
Volume I: Late Roman and Medieval Cemeteries and Environmental Studies
Subartu, 25
Mori, Lucia
Reconstructing the Emar Landscape
Quaderni di Geografia Storica, 6