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Keresési eredmények / results
Grayson, A. K.
Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles
Texts from Cuneiform Sources, 5
Leichty, Erle
The Omen Series Summa Izbu
Texts from Cuneiform Sources, 4
Sjöberg, Ake W. -- Bergmann, E. / Gragg, Gene B.
The Collection of the Sumerian Temple Hymns
Texts from Cuneiform Sources, 3
Sjöberg, Ake W. -- Bergmann, E. / Gragg, Gene B.
The Collection of the Sumerian Temple Hymns / The Kes Temple Hymn
Texts from Cuneiform Sources, 3
Sollberger, Edmond
The Business and Administrative Correspondence under the Kings of Ur
Texts from Cuneiform Sources, 1