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Keresési eredmények / results
Abrahami, Philippe -- Battini, Laura, eds. / Lafont, B. -- Ziegler, N. -- Vita, J. P. -- Lion, B. -- Postgate, J. N. -- Collon, D. -- Bellucci, B. -- Rouault, O. -- Cordoba, J. M. -- Tenu, A. -- Calvet, Y. -- Joannès, F. -- Masetti, M.-G. -- Miglus, P.
Les armées du Proche-Orient ancien (IIIe–Ier mill. av. J. -C.)
Actes du colloque international organisé à Lyon les 1er et 2 décembre 2006, Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée
BAR International Series, 1855
Ball, Warwick, Ed. / Roaf, Michael, Foreword / Campbell, Stuart -- Gill, Susan -- Green, Anthony -- Pagan, Marion -- Simpson, St John -- Tucker, David, contrs.
Ancient Settlement in the Zammar Region
Excavations by the British Archaeological Expedition to Iraq in the Saddam Dam Salvage Project, 1985-86. Volume 1: Introduction and Overview
BAR International Series, 1096
Battini-Villard, Laura
L'espace domestique en Mésopotamie de la IIIe dynastie d'Ur a l'époque paléo-babylonienne
Volume I
BAR International Series, 767
Battini-Villard, Laura
L'espace domestique en Mésopotamie de la IIIe dynastie d'Ur a l'époque paléo-babylonienne
Volume II
BAR International Series, 767
Bell, Carol
The Evolution of Long Distance Trading Relationships across the LBA/Iron Age Transition on the Northern Levantine Coast
Crisis, Continuity and Change. A Study Based on Imported Ceramics, Bronze and Its Constituent Metals
BAR International Series, 1574
Bökönyi, S.
The Animal Remains from Four Sites in the Kermanshah Valley, Iran: Asiab, Sarab, Dehsavar and Siahbid
The faunal evolution, environmental changes and development of animal husbandry, VIII-III millennia B.C.
British Archaeological Reports, Supplementary Series, 34
Brug, John F.
A Literary and Archaeological Study of the Philistines
BAR International Series, 265
Collins, Paul
The Uruk Phenomenon
The Role of Social Ideology in the Expansion of the Uruk Culture during the Fourth Millennium BC
BAR International Series, 900
Cripps, Eric. L.
Land Tenure and Social Stratification in Ancient Mesopotamia
Third millenium Sumer before the Ur III dynasty
BAR International Series, 1676
de Jesus, Prentiss S.
The Development of Prehistoric Mining and Metallurgy in Anatolia
British Archaeological Reports, 74/1-2
Dezsö (Dezsõ), Tamás
Oriental Influence in the Aegan and Eastern Mediterranean Helmet Traditions in the 9th -- 7th Centuries B. C.
The Patterns of Orientalization
BAR International Series, 691
Dezső, Tamás
Near Eastern Helmets of the Iron Age
BAR International Series, 992
Fischer, Moshe -- Isaac, Benjamin -- Roll, Israel
Roman Roads in Juaea
II: The Jaffa-Jerusalem Roads
BAR International Series, 628
Forbes, Thomas B.
Urartian Architecture
BAR International Series, 170
Forest, Jean-Daniel
Les premiers temples de Mésopotamie
(4e et 3e millénaires)
BAR International Series, 765
French, D. H. -- Lightfood, C. S., eds.
The Eastern Frontier of the Roman Empire
Proceedings of a colloquium held at Ankara in September 1988: Part i
British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Monograph, 11
BAR International Series, 553 (i)
French, D. H. -- Lightfoot, C. S., eds.
The Eastern Frontier of the Roman Empire
Proceedings of a colloquium held at Ankara in September 1988: Part ii
British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Monograph, 11
BAR International Series, 553 (ii)
French, D. H. -- Lightfoot, C. S., Eds.
The Eastern Frontier of the Roman Empire
Proceedings of a colloquium held at Ankara in September 1988
BAR International Series, 533/I
British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara. Monographs, 11
French, D. H. -- Lightfoot, C. S., Eds.
The Eastern Frontier of the Roman Empire
Proceedings of a colloquium held at Ankara in September 1988
BAR International Series, 553/II
British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara. Monographs, 11
Gregory, Shelagh -- Kennedy, David, Ed., Comm. / Kennedy, Julie, Maps
Sir Aurel Stein's Limes Report
British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 272i
Gregory, Shelagh -- Kennedy, David, Ed., Comm. / Kennedy, Julie, Maps
Sir Aurel Stein's Limes Report
British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 272ii
Jasim, Sabah Abboud
The Ubaid Period in Iraq
Recent excavations in the Hamrin region, Part I
BAR International Series, 267(i)
Jasim, Sabah Abboud
The Ubaid Period in Iraq
Recent excavations in the Hamrin region, Part II
BAR International Series, 267(ii)
Klejn, Leo S.
Archaeological Typology
BAR International Series, 153
Kolinski, Rafa?
Mesopotamian dimatu of the Second Millennium BC
BAR International Series, 1004
Kosse, Krisztína
Settlement Ecology of the Early and Middle Neolithic Körös and Linear Pottery Cultures in Hungary
British Archeological Reports, International Series, 64
Kozlowski, Stefan Karol / Gopher, Avi -- Korobkova, Galina, contr. / Bar-Yosef, Ofer, pref.
The Eatern Wing of the Fertile Crescent
Late prehistory of Greater Mesopotamian lithic industries
BAR International Series, 760
Maison de l'Orient Méditerranéen
Kubba, S. A. A.
Architecture and Linear Measurement during the Ubaid Period in Mesopotamia
BAR International Series, 707
Kubba, Shamil A. A.
Mesopotamian Architecture and Town Planning
from the Mesolithic to the end of the Proto-historic Period c. 10,000 -- 3,500 B. C., Part II
BAR International Series 367, (ii)
Kubba, Shamil A. A.
Mesopotamian Architecture and Town Planning
from the Mesolithic to the end of the Proto-historic Period c. 10,000 -- 3,500 B. C.: Part i
BAR International Series, 367 (i)
Lupton, A.
Stability and Change
Socio-political development in North Mesopotamia and South-East Anatolia 4000--2700 B.C.
BAR International Series, 627
MacAdam, Henry Innes
Studies in the History of the Roman Province of Arabia
The Northern Sector
BAR International Series, 295
Moorey, P. R. S.
Materials and Manufacture in Ancient Mesopotamia: The evidence of Archaeology and Art
Metals and metalwork, glazed materials and glass
BAR International Series, 237
Nijhowne, Jeanne
Politics, Religion, and Cylinder Seals
A Study of Mesopotamian Symbolism in the Second Millennium B. C.
BAR International Series, 772
Nunn, Astrid -- Hammade, Hamido / Wolff, Cornelie, drawings
Stamp Seals from the Collections of the Aleppo Museum, Syrian Arab Republic
British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 804
O'Brien, Stephen -- Boatright, Daniel, eds. / Focke, Sonia -- Salvo, Davide -- Hoffman, Brigitta -- Whately, Conor -- Molloy, Barry P. C. -- Vogel, Carola -- Greaves, Alan M.
Warfare and Society in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean
Papers arising froma colloquium held at the University of Liverpool, 13th June 2008
BAR International Series, 2583
Peruzzetto, Alessandra -- Dorna Metzger, Francesca -- Dirven, Lucinda, eds. / Fs. Roberta Vinco Ricciardi
Animals, Gods and Men from East to West
Papers on Archaeology and History in Honour of Roberta Venco Ricciardi
BAR International Series, 2516
Philip, Graham
Metal Weapons of the Early and Middle Bronze Ages in Syria-Palestine
Part I
BAR International Series, 526 (i)
Philip, Graham
Metal Weapons of the Early and Middle Bronze Ages in Syria-Palestine
Part II
BAR International Series, 526 (ii)
Rehm, Ellen
Waffengräber im Alten Orient
Zum Problem der Wertung von Waffen in Gräbern des 3. und frühen 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr. in Mesopotamien und Syrien
BAR International Series, 1191
Russel, Kenneth W.
After Eden
The Behavioral Ecology of Early Food Production in the Near East and North Africa
BAR International Series, 391
Sagona, A. G.
The Caucasian Region in the Early Bronze Age
Part I
BAR International Series, 214(i)
Sagona, A. G.
The Caucasian Region in the Early Bronze Age
Part II
BAR International Series, 214 (ii)
Sagona, A. G.
The Caucasian Region in the Early Bronze Age
Part III
BAR International Series, 214 (iii)
Schachner, Andreas / Roaf, Michael, elõszó
Von der Rundhütte zum Kaufmannshaus
Kulturhistorische Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung prähistorischer Wohnhäuser in Zentral-, Ost- und Südostanatolien, I-II
BAR International Series, 807
Sheridan, Alison -- Bailey, Geoff, Ed.
Economic Archaeology
Towards an Integration of Ecological and Social Approaches
British Archaeological Reports, 96
Sievertsen, Uwe
Untersuchungen zur Pfeiler-Nischen-Architektur in Mesopotamien und Syrien von ihren Anfängen im 6. Jahrtausend bis zum
Ende der Frühdynastischen Zeit. Form, Funktion und Kontext: Teil I: Text
BAR International Series, 743
Sievertsen, Uwe
Untersuchungen zur Pfeiler-Nischen-Architektur in Mesopotamien und Syrien von ihren Anfängen im 6. Jahrtausend bis zum
Ende der frühdynastischen Zeit. Form, Funktion und Kontext: Teil II: Tafeln
BAR International Series, 743
Tenu, Aline
L'expansion médio-assyrienne
Approche archéologique
British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 1906
Yakar, Jak
The Later Prehistory of Anatolia
The Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age, Part I
BAR International Series, 268(i)
Yakar, Jak
The Later Prehistory of Anatolia
The Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age, Part II
BAR International Series, 268(ii)
Young, Suzanne M. M. -- Pollard, A. Mark -- Budd, Paul -- Ixer, Robert A., eds.
Metals in Antiquity
BAR International Series, 792