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Keresési eredmények / results

Chiera, Edward
Legal and Administrative Documents from Nippur
Chiefly from the Dynasties of Isin and Larsa
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia

Chiera, Edward
Lists of Personal Names from the Temple School of Nippur
A Syllabary of Personal Names
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia

Chiera, Edward
Lists of Personal Names from the Temple School of Nippur
Lists of Sumerian Personal Names
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia

Chiera, Edward
Lists of Personal Names from the Temple School of Nippur
Lists of Akkadian Personal Names
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia

Chiera, Edward
Old Babylonian Contracts
Publications of the Babylonian Section, 8/2

Clay, Albert T.
Business Documents of the Murashu Sons of Nippur
Dated in the Reign of Darius II
Publications of the Babylonian Section, 2/1

Clay, Albert T.
Documents from the Temple Archives of Nippur
Dated in the Reigns of the Cassite Rulers
Publications of the Babylonian Section, 2/2

Langdon, Stephen
Sumerian Epic of Paradise, the Flood and the Fall of Man
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia

Langdon, Stephen
Sumerian Grammatical Texts
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia

Langdon, Stephen
Sumerian Liturgical Texts
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia

Langdon, Stephen
Sumerian Liturgies and Psalms
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum Publications of the Babylonian

Langdon, Stephen
The Epic of Gilgamish
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia

Legrain, Leon
Historical Fragments
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia

Legrain, Leon
Royal Inscriptions and Fragments from Nippur and Babylon
The Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Publications of the Babylonian Sec

Legrain, Leon
The Culture of the Babylonians
From their Seals in the Collections of the Museum
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publictations of the Babyloni

Legrain, Leon
The Culture of the Babylonians
From their Seals in the Collections of the Museum
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia

Lutz, Henry Frederick
Selected Sumerian and Babylonian Texts
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia

Myhrman, David W.
Babylonian Hymns and Prayers
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia

Poebel, Arno
Grammatical Texts
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum Publications of the Babylonian

Poebel, Arno
Historical and Grammatical Texts
Publications of the Babylonian Section, 5

Poebel, Arno
Historical and Grammatical Texts
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum Publications of the Babylonian

Poebel, Arno
Historical Texts
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia

Ungnad, Arthur
Babylonian Letters of the Hammurapi Period
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia