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Keresési eredmények / results
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Chiera, Edward
Legal and Administrative Documents from Nippur
Chiefly from the Dynasties of Isin and Larsa
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia
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Chiera, Edward
Lists of Personal Names from the Temple School of Nippur
A Syllabary of Personal Names
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia
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Chiera, Edward
Lists of Personal Names from the Temple School of Nippur
Lists of Sumerian Personal Names
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia
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Chiera, Edward
Lists of Personal Names from the Temple School of Nippur
Lists of Akkadian Personal Names
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia
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Chiera, Edward
Old Babylonian Contracts
Publications of the Babylonian Section, 8/2
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Clay, Albert T.
Business Documents of the Murashu Sons of Nippur
Dated in the Reign of Darius II
Publications of the Babylonian Section, 2/1
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Clay, Albert T.
Documents from the Temple Archives of Nippur
Dated in the Reigns of the Cassite Rulers
Publications of the Babylonian Section, 2/2
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Langdon, Stephen
Sumerian Epic of Paradise, the Flood and the Fall of Man
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia
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Langdon, Stephen
Sumerian Grammatical Texts
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia
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Langdon, Stephen
Sumerian Liturgical Texts
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia
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Langdon, Stephen
Sumerian Liturgies and Psalms
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum Publications of the Babylonian
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Langdon, Stephen
The Epic of Gilgamish
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia
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Legrain, Leon
Historical Fragments
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia
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Legrain, Leon
Royal Inscriptions and Fragments from Nippur and Babylon
The Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Publications of the Babylonian Sec
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Legrain, Leon
The Culture of the Babylonians
From their Seals in the Collections of the Museum
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publictations of the Babyloni
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Legrain, Leon
The Culture of the Babylonians
From their Seals in the Collections of the Museum
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia
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Lutz, Henry Frederick
Selected Sumerian and Babylonian Texts
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia
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Myhrman, David W.
Babylonian Hymns and Prayers
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia
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Poebel, Arno
Grammatical Texts
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum Publications of the Babylonian
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Poebel, Arno
Historical and Grammatical Texts
Publications of the Babylonian Section, 5
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Poebel, Arno
Historical and Grammatical Texts
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum Publications of the Babylonian
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Poebel, Arno
Historical Texts
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia
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Ungnad, Arthur
Babylonian Letters of the Hammurapi Period
University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum, Publications of the Babylonia
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