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Keresési eredmények / results
Chiera, Edward
Excavations at Nuzi
Volume I: Texts of Varied Contents
Harvard Semitic Series, 5
Hussey, Mary Inda
Sumerian Tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum
Part II: From the Time of the Dynasty of Ur
Harvard Semitic Series, 4
Hussey, Mary Inda
Sumerian Tablets in the Harvard Semtic Musem
I: Chiefly from the Reigns of Lugalbanda and Urukagina of Lagash
Harvard Semitic Series, 3
Lacheman, Ernest R.
Excavations at Nuzi
Volume V: Miscellaneous Texts from Nuzi, II: The Palace and Temple Archives
Harvard Semitic Series, 14
Lacheman, Ernest R.
Excavations at Nuzi
Volume VI: The Administrative Archives
Harvard Semitic Series, 15
Lacheman, Ernest R.
Excavations at Nuzi
Volume VII: Economic and Social Documents
Harvard Semitic Series, 16
Lacheman, Ernest R.
Excavations at Nuzi
Volume VIII: Family Law Documents
Harvard Semitic Series, 19
Meek, Theophile James
Excavations at Nuzi
Volume III: Old Akkadian, Sumerian, and Cappadocian Texts from Nuzi
Harvard Semitic Series, 10
Pfeiffer, Robert H.
Excavations at Nuzi
Volume II: The Archives of Shilwateshub Son of the King
Harvard Semitic Series, 9