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Sigrist, Marcel
Neo-Sumerian Account Texts in the Horn Archaeological Museum
Institute of Archaeology Publications. Assyriological Series, 5
Andrews University Cuneiform Texts, 2
Sigrist, Marcel
Old Babylonian Account Texts in the Horn Archaeological Museum
Institute of Archaeology Publications. Assyriological Series, 7
Andrews University Cuneiform Texts, 4
Sigrist, Marcel
Old Babylonian Account Texts in the Horn Archaeological Museum
Institute of Archaeology Publications. Assyriological Series, 8
Andrews University Cuneiform Texts, 5
Sigrist, Marcel / Gavin, Carney E. S. -- Stein, Diana -- Menard, Constance, seal impressions
Neo-Sumerian Account Texts in the Horn Archaeological Museum
Institute of Archaeology Publications. Assyriological Series, 6
Andrews University Cuneiform Texts, 3
Sigrist, Marcel / Geraty, Lawrence T., foreword
Neo-Sumerian Account Texts in the Horn Archaeological Museum
Institute of Archaeology Publications, Assyriological Series, 4
Andrews University Cuneiform Texts, 1