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Keresési eredmények / results

Solomon of Basra [Baszrai Salamon] / Wallis Budge, Ernest A., transl.
The Book of the Bee
The Syriac Text Edited from the Manuscripts in London, Oxford, and Munich with an English Translation
Anecdota Oxoniensia Semitic Series

Brock, Sebastian P.
The History of the Holy Mar Ma‘in with a Guide to the Persian Martyr Acts
Persian Martyr Acts in Syraic: Text and Translation, 1

Gavin, Frank
Aphraates and the Jews
A Study of the Controversial Homilies of the Persian Sage in their Relation to Jewish Thought
Contributions to Oriental History and Philology, 7

Kaufhold, Hubert / Johannes V. bar Abgare
Syrische Texte zum islamischen Recht
Das dem nestorianischen Katholikos Johannes V. bar Abgare zugeschriebene Rechtsbuch
Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Abhand